
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Do You Know What Shin Splints Really Are?

shin splints are not actually real
Of course you have heard of someone complaining that  they have shin splints before.  Well, next time you will be able to educate them about what shin splints really are.

Actual shin splints are when the tibia (shin bone) begins to stress fracture (cracks).  When a person complains about their shin splints, they are actually just complaining about the extensor muscles in their shins.

A person can relieve shin splints (tightness in the muscles) by stretching the calves because it is the antagonistic pair of muscles.  If someone actually has shin splints then a trip to the doctor's may be necessary.  Most likely, the doctor will just tell you to stay away from rigorous activity for a while.  Remember this next time your friend is complaining about their shin splints.

Do You Know What Shin Splints Really Are?

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